Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Legalization of Prostitution - 902 Words

Prostitution, considered one of the oldest professions in the world, was legal until 1915 when most states passed laws making it illegal. One of the main reasons for the prohibition of prostitution was to keep soldiers out of the brothels so they would stay focused on the war. After WWII, lawmakers left the prohibition laws in place instead of repealing them. Prostitution should be legal, regulated, and taxed. This would increase the quality of police protection, reduce waste in the judicial system, decrease the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and increase federal tax revenue. By legalizing and regulating the act of prostitution, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) will decrease. Opponents of legalization†¦show more content†¦The legalization of prostitution will increase tax revenue by collecting taxes from the legal brothels. The State of Nevada does not collect taxes from the brothels but the separate counties do. The counties collec t licensing fees, property taxes, and liquor licensing fees. â€Å"Some counties get as much as 25 percent of their business fees from brothels. Lyon County, home to the famous Moonlite Bunnyranch, will collect $316,000 in brothel business fees and $25,000 in permit fees next year† (Associated Press). In all ten counties combined, â€Å"over twelve million dollars was collected from legal prostitution for the 2014 fiscal year† (Associated Press). The federal government also collects income tax from the prostitutes and from the brothels. Estimates show there to be over 500,000 prostitutes working illegally in the United States. The government could tax those 500,000 men and women if they were working legally in brothels. The average prostitute working legally in Nevada earns approximately $160,000 to $180,000 a year. The taxes for that amount of income are on average $35,000. The federal government could generate an additional $17.5 million a year in just incom e tax revenue by legalizing prostitution. The U.S. government is in a financial crisis, the revenue generated by legalizing prostitution could help alleviate some of that burden. Each state spends over ten million dollars every year enforcingShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Prostitution And Prostitution858 Words   |  4 Pagesthe decriminalization of prostitution helps, there will still be a heavy demand for it. One of the biggest industries in the world has it entrapped, which is the sex based human trafficking. According to the International Labor Organization, human trafficking generates around $150 Billion per year. And Two-thirds of this money ($99billion) comes from commercial sex exploitation. 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Whenever the settlers were running around killing the natives, they were also enjoying the pleasures of regional prostitutes. Appolodprus, a Greek philosopher and historian declared For we have courtesans for pleasure, and concubines for the daily service of our bodies, and wives for the production of legitimate offspring and to have a reliable guardianRead MoreLegalization Of Prostitution And Prostitution1612 Words   |  7 PagesLegalization of Prostitution Prostitution law varies widely from country to country, and between jurisdictions within a country. Prostitution or sex work is legal in some parts of the world and regarded as a profession, while in other parts it is a crime punishable by death. In many jurisdictions prostitution is illegal. In other places prostitution itself is legal, but surrounding activities are illegal. In other jurisdictions prostitution is legal and regulated. In most jurisdictions whichRead MoreDiscussing The Legalization Of Prostitution1604 Words   |  7 PagesSOC 3561 04/19/2015 Discussing the Legalization of Prostitution To better discuss the legalization of prostitution there’s a need to know its definition. Legalization of prostitution is where prostitution becomes controlled by the government and becomes legal under specific conditions. Legalization may include prostitution-specific controls chosen by the state, which could include licensing, registration, and mandatory regular health checks ups. Prostitution has been legalized in Netherlands, GermanyRead MoreLegalization And Decriminalization Of Prostitution1141 Words   |  5 PagesFinal Paper: Legalization and Decriminalization of Prostitution The legalization and decriminalization of prostitution is a highly debated topic within the area of women’s studies. Prostitution, the sale of sexual services, has been in existence for as long as society has. However, beginning in the 19th century, most states in America began to illegalize prostitution because of moral objections. Today, despite the fact that in 1959 the United Nations concluded that prostitution should not be a criminalRead MoreEssay on Legalization of Prostitution1607 Words   |  7 PagesThough illegal in the United States, prostitution is still a strongly prevalent crime happening all across the nation. Currently, a person participating in the crime of prostitution will be charged with a misdemeanor (Liberator 2). People every single day are being charged with a misdemeanor for this specific crime. Statistically, it may even seem like this crime is being caught more often than other, more extreme crimes. Prostitution is a strongly enforced crime that c osts America large sums ofRead MoreThe Issue Of Legalization Of Prostitution1103 Words   |  5 Pagesdefines prostitution as â€Å"the act of having sex in exchange for money.† In recent years, there has been speculation of the laws in place that criminalize prostitution. While there are advocates that want prostitution to be decriminalized, there are also advocates for the legalization. Decriminalization would simply repeal the laws making prostitution illegal, whereas full legalization would allow the government to put regulations and safety requirements in place. The legalization of prostitution wouldRead MoreThe Legalization Of Prostitution Is A Choice1850 Words   |  8 Pagesgrowing being, was prostitution. Despite her struggles, it is not about her lack of opportunity that is undoubtedly unfair. However, it is the recent illegalization of prostitution that impairs an individual’s constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Of great im portance to conservative politicians, as well as many others, is the restriction of the freedoms to take part in simple, natural acts which is simply unfair. The legalization of prostitution sheds light on positivityRead MoreLegalization of Prostitution in India457 Words   |  2 PagesProstitution is recognized to be the oldest profession that has existed in the society since ages. Basically prostitutes are in this calling because of neediness. There are ladies who are voluntarily into this calling, whereas, there are others who are trafficked and constrained into prostitution. The courts remarks came while dealing with a public interest litigation filed by an NGO about child trafficking. The court said child trafficking and prostitution were flourishing because of poverty.

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