Wednesday, September 2, 2020

21st Century man is no more knowledgeable than his 19th Century predecessor he simply thinks he is Free Essays

To respond to this inquiry completely and precisely it is important to characterize very what we mean by information. Information is the state or certainty of knowing; the commonality, comprehension or mindfulness increased through understanding or study; the entirety or scope of what has been seen, examined or gotten the hang of; learning, intellect: instructors of incredible information or explicit data about somebody. This inquiry should be replied before we can say whether a layman has gotten progressively educated since the nineteenth century or not. We will compose a custom article test on 21st Century man is not any more learned than his nineteenth Century forerunner: he basically thinks he is or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now I will concentrate on the principal definition that states, â€Å"Knowledge is the state or certainty of knowing. † A man’s information comprises of realities and we can't state whether these alleged realities are genuine in such a case that someone reveals to us something we simply assume that it is reality. We can fundamentally determine what the plainly visible properties of something are I. . in the event that somebody went up against us with a red homerun stick we would have the option to see that it was red and metallic looking and no one would have the option to discredit these realities. On the off chance that we took a gander at the play club nearer however, going into the domains of science and the hypotheses encompassing it and someone said that the pole was steel and the nuclear structure of steel was such and such and its properties were such and such we wouldn’t have the option to see these things as a general rule. What we are instructed in schools and somewhere else is fundamentally the considerations of other as far as anyone knows astute people and we can't that they are genuine †to be straightforward we can't demonstrate that anything is genuine not even that the world we live in is genuine and that we really exist as individuals. A case of everybody accepting the expressions of some apparently smart men is when before the hour of Galileo (who demonstrated this to be absolute trash) it was generally accepted that the world was level and any individual who couldn't help contradicting this was joshed and giggled at, as everybody realized that the reality was that the earth was level. This prompts my conviction that in years to come things that we underestimate, for example, that we have arrived on the moon will be end up being finished trash and a huge concealment by a humiliated country who could give its kin what they needed thus needed to fool them into accepting about space flight. From this we find that information is simply abstract and couldn't be some other way. Our insight into science or if nothing else our layman’s handle of it is in certainty a tangle of half-recollected â€Å"facts† which we disgorge when essential. My view right now would be that a layman in the 21st century knows more a session science than his forerunner in the nineteenth century. In the nineteenth century instruction was neither obligatory nor state-financed as it is today thus just the rich would have the advantage of sound training and they couldn't be considered lay. Regardless of whether they could be considered lay however because of the way that there has clearly been incredibly a lot of logical disclosures made, for example, that of power, between the nineteenth century and the current day. Different assets, for example, the media and the web help to make data all the more generally accessible to us today and these surely wouldn’t have been accessible or even existed in the nineteenth century. All of this adds to our purported information making us a progressively educated individual. We at Winchester College are in a marginally extraordinary circumstance to the your Joe Public on the road however even we have no clue about what Phenyl Cyclo Hexyl Hyperidine (also called PCP) really is. Presently we ask ourselves do the researchers who do these things really realize that they are valid or are they just making taught surmises about them. They don’t; they only theorize and that is the most that anybody can do. The way that these researchers are continually improving their hypotheses recommends significantly more with the goal that they are speculatory, as a reality can't be changed in such a manner by definition. The main thing that can be supposed to be a reality upon this evidently sensible earth, really a reproduction, is the Ultimate certainty †that God exists. Shockingly this is just the Ultimate reality to the individuals who have faith in God so even this can be contended against. People, in any event in my insight, has not developed at all since the nineteenth century therefore our cerebrums have no greater limit with respect to additional information, simply that we have additional data packed into our head because of the way that data is all the more promptly accessible to us, as opposed to really having more information than we did in the nineteenth century. We could consequently be called increasingly learned yet we don’t even know whether this alleged data is in reality evident or not. The most effective method to refer to 21st Century man is not any more educated than his nineteenth Century antecedent: he basically thinks he is, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Chuck Staley, A Case Study of Leadership Excellence

This contextual analysis will be founded on an examination of standards found in John C. Maxwell’s book, â€Å"The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership†. This content is fundamental in the turn of events and showing of effective authority. It is my supposition, that Charles E. Staley, ordinarily known as Chuck Staley, represents a significant number of the orders of an extraordinary pioneer as recommended inside the setting of Maxwell’s book. It shocks no one that when solicited by Madison County Chamber from Commerce President, Kyle Morey, â€Å"What book has motivated you the most? †, Chuck’s answer was, â€Å"Leadership† by John C. Maxwell. In spite of the fact that only one out of every odd one of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is Chuck’s qualities, many are. I will talk about the showing of those qualities in the accompanying passages. Who is Chuck Staley? Hurl Staley is a deep rooted inhabitant of Anderson, Indiana. Without f urther ado upon graduation from secondary school, Chuck joined the United States Marines, filling in as a Corporeal in the First Marine Division in 1964-1967 during the Viet Nam struggle . He wedded Lynn Vicars on July 14, 1971 and has two youngsters, Catherine (Staley) Daniels and the late David Staley. Throw is the present President and Chief Executive Officer of the Flagship Enterprise Center (FEC), which was made in 2003 through an association between Anderson University and the city of Anderson. Through Staley’s vision and direction, the FEC has aided the making of 104 organizations and more than 2,000 occupations. The FEC has developed consistently as it has included new organizations over the previous decade and is right now situated in a Center comprising of about 300,000 square feet. Achievement was not simply perceived at the neighborhood level, yet in the FEC was named a U. S. Division of Commerce Center of Excellence under Chuck’s initiative. Since its start, the Flagship under Staley’s initiative has produced unions with Purdue University, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation and the US Department of Commerce. In 2011, the FEC started another organization when Staley, Frank Levinson and Ann Wilson opened the Levinson Center for Social and Fai th Based Entrepreneurship. The Levinson Center is situated inside the Flagship and works in organizations and associations that enhance in the regions of ecological, helpful, instructive and social issues inside the structure of manageability and sound business standards. The Levinson Center has propelled nine associations to date that extend from vitality autonomy for beach front Alaskan Indian towns, to Teachers of Promise in Kenya and another instructive worldview, called the Impact Center, for nontraditional minority understudies in Anderson, Indiana. With Staley in authority, national acknowledgment has gotten normal for organizations, for example, COEUS and Echo Drive as they have caught showcases in the innovation field. Moreover, The Flagship has started to have sway all around with the expansion of Greenville Technology Inc. (GTI), Altairnano, a vitality stockpiling organization, just as facilitating the base camp of Keihin North America. Staley has given development to numerous private venture by building up an industry driving Microloan program including independent company counseling. The Microloan program has had gigantic effect on business hatching and keeps up the status of giving the most microloans of any area in Indiana, with most cr edits being issues to ladies as well as minority possessed organizations. 3 Staley has led a few sheets, including the Anderson Plan Commission, White River Development Commission and the GM Blue Ribbon Commission. He was President Elect of the Madison County Chamber of Commerce, co-administrator of the World Class City Forum, and fellow benefactor and Director of Energize East Central Indiana. He is at present executive of the top managerial staff for Community Hospital Anderson and serves on the leading group of the as of late propelled Impact Center. Staley additionally fills in as the President and CEO of the RSI Facilities Group, a counseling, building and the board gathering, which has been associated with a few business, modern and private undertakings. Despite the fact that Staley has discovered accomplishment in administration, he keeps on pursueing deep rooted learning encounters like that of the Leadership Academy of Madison County (LAMC). In addition to the fact that he is a graduated class of the association, yet keeps on supporting LAMC in the advancement of other developing pioneers. The data arranged in this record contains information and story from inquire about. It additionally contains data from individual meeting and perception. As a resident from Anderson and Madison County and a worker of Anderson University, I have seen Chuck Staley’s authority over past decades. I have watched him create neighborhoods, organizations, and individuals. This record of authority is both target and individual. I am not the only one in my regard for his administration. Most as of late, Staley got the esteemed Sagamore of the Wabash grant. The Sagamore of the Wabash grant, made by Gov. Ralph Gates during the 1940s, is viewed as probably the most elevated honor that can be gave by the legislative leader of Indiana. It is an individual tribute normally given to the individuals who have offered a recognized support to the state. (Pendleton Gazette, 2013). 4 How does Chuck Staley represent initiative regarding the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership? John Maxwell starts his book recommending that there are 2 basic parts administration. Maxwell states, â€Å" Serving others and indicating others the way† both fundamental in showing effective authority (Maxwell, 2007). Throw Staley has done this in different manners. As referenced before, he serves on a wide range of sheets and is associated with different network tries. Not just has Staley made it a propensity for calling, however he is mindful and kind to numerous and a wide range of people he interacts with, youthful, old, instructed, or tested. An understudy of Robert Greenleaf’s works and lessons from the Center for Servant Leadership just as the lessons on hireling hood from the Bible, Staley grasps chances to lead by â€Å"doing with and for† others. A servantleader centers basically around the development and prosperity of individuals and the networks to which they have a place. â€Å"While customary initiative for the most part includes the collection and exercise of intensity by one at the â€Å"top of the pyramid,† worker authority is unique. The hireling head shares power, puts the necessities of others first and assists individuals with creating and proceed as profoundly as could reasonably be expected. † states Greenleaf. (2013). In associations like the IMPACT Center in Anderson, IN, Staley aided the start of the vision for the association. He gave of his time, impact, and aptitude to make a fantasy a reality for some minority heads in his locale. As the CEO of the Flagship Enterprise, Staley has banded together with Masters of Business Administration (MBA) programs like Anderson University’s Falls Institute of Business to create youthful business visionaries and business understudies by facilitating them as assistants at the FEC. He has helped with creating contracts with the organizations that the FEC hatches that likewise give open doors for understudies and graduates to build up their abilities under the direction of those at the FEC. Huge numbers of these understudies (25-30%) have proceeded to brood business of their own. 5 Law #1-Law of the Lid. Authority capacity decides a person’s level of adequacy. The law of the top expresses that one’s â€Å"leadership capacity for better or for more awful consistently decides your viability. ( pg. 1) Chuck has demonstrated throughout the years that his top is set at an elevated level since his authority has exhibited sway. While gathering the speed at the FEC, Staley manufactured solid associations with those in his internal circle, those he needed to draw in with to situate the business for progress, and potential c ustomers. He assembled a little group of people who kept up a similar administration, vision, and energy that he had created. Staley worked with them to oversee, lead, and brood organizations under the direction of and group the board and hireling administration. Staley consistently fabricated groups that concentrated on hierarchical viability yet were exceptionally mindful that they should likewise be actually viable as pioneers to arrive at limit as an association. The administration groups at the FEC have been extremely effective as they have become the states driving independent venture microloan loan specialist in any event, outperforming that of Bloomington and Lafayette. However, when asked, Staley promptly recommends, that initiative is the issue. â€Å"Creating a dream that individuals can get behind and supporting them as they engage others is a key component that I promote,† remarked Staley, when gotten some information about the accomplishment of the FEC. It is obvious that he pays attention to his duty and works with incredible exertion to assemble a group that leads with similar convictions and needs that he holds. Law #2-Law of Influence. The genuine proportion of initiative is impact nothing more, not all that much. The law of impact would contend that on the off chance that one doesn’t have impact, one will always be unable to lead others. (pg. 11). Staley is talented at considering chances to be following them as a business person, nonetheless, his expertise goes past enterprise. In a business of facing challenges, Staley is up for the assignment. He works with a 80-20 way of thinking, where he faces determined challenges when he hits the 80% hazard decrease benchmark. Never needing to pass up on chance that tags along, Staley will 6 take into account a standard of hazard. He can just work at that level by having impact with everyone around him. There is a trust factor that is managed the choices that Staley makes, realizing that even in the 20% hazard zone where disappointment may happen, Chuck will accept open door to learn and push ahead, continually observing additional opportunities in every disappointment. His

Friday, August 21, 2020

Why Burning Money Is Illegal in the United States

Why Burning Money Is Illegal in the United States In the event that you have cash to consume, congrats yet youd better not really put a match to a heap of money. Consuming cash is illicit in the United States and isâ punishable by as long as 10 years in jail, also fines. (Progressively fun realities: Its likewise illicit to tear a dollar note and even level a pennyâ under the heaviness of a train on the railroad tracks.) The laws making mutilating and spoiling cash a wrongdoing have their foundations in the governments utilization of valuable metals to mint coins. Crooks were known to scrape down or cut off parts of those coins and save the fragments for themselves while spending the changed money. The chances of being indicted under the government laws that bringing in consuming cash or destroying coins, notwithstanding, are genuinely thin. Initially, coins currently contain almost no valuable metals. Second, damaging printed money in a demonstration of dissent is regularly contrasted with consuming the American banner. In other words, consuming cash might be viewed as secured discourse under the U.S. Constitutions First Amendment. What the Law Says About Burning Money The area of government law that makes destroying or consuming cash a wrongdoing is Title 18, Section 333, which was passed in 1948 and peruses: Whoever ravages, cuts, ruins, deforms, or punctures, or joins together or concretes together, or does some other thing to any bank charge, draft, note, or other proof of obligation gave by any national financial affiliation, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with expectation to render such bank charge, draft, note, or other proof of obligation unfit to be reissued, will be fined under this title or detained not over a half year, or both. What the Law Says About Mutilating Coins The segment of government law that makes damaging coins a wrongdoing is Title 18, Section 331, which peruses: Whoever falsely changes, damages, ravages, debilitates, reduces, adulterates, scales, or helps any of the coins authored at the mints of the United States, or any outside coins which are by law made current or are in real use or course as cash inside the United States; or whoever deceitfully has, passes, articulates, distributes, or sells, or endeavors to pass, express, distribute, or sell, or brings into the United States, any such coin, realizing the equivalent to be modified, destroyed, mangled, hindered, lessened, misrepresented, scaled, or helped will be fined under this title or detained not over five years, or both. A different area of Title 18 makes it unlawful to corrupt coins stamped by the U.S. government, which means to shave a portion of the metal off and bring in the cash less significant. That wrongdoing is deserving of fines and as long as 10 years in jail. Indictments Are Rare for Mutilating Currency Its entirely uncommon for somebody to be captured and accused of contaminating or degraded U.S. cash. Indeed, even those penny press machines found at arcades and some coastline attractions are in consistence with the law in light of the fact that theyre used to make gifts and not to corrupt or shave metal off the coin for benefit or extortion. Maybe the most prominent instance of cash mutilation dates to 1963. A 18-year-old U.S. Marine named Ronald Lee Foster was sentenced for shaving ceaselessly the edges of pennies and spending the 1 penny coins as dimes in candy machines. Cultivate had been condemned to a time of probation and $20, yet more truly the conviction kept him from having the option to get a weapon permit. Encourage made national news in 2010 when President Barack Obama absolved him.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Learn More About College Services

Learn More About College ServicesIf you have already established yourself as a business professional, it's inevitable that you will want to expand your enterprise. More likely than not, you'll look at college services that you can offer as a means of making your college life easier.You may not be aware of the numerous college services that are available. They range from daycare services, tuition services, classes that are offered in English, and even the official language on campus. Take time to think about how you might employ college services to help your business.If you decide to open a daycare center, there are some wonderful ways to expand your business with college services. Before opening a daycare, it is important to determine the needs of the children or children's needs. If your business may be a full-service daycare center that caters to a variety of needs, contact college administrators to find out what college services you can offer.One great option for opening a daycare is a variety of college services, including childcare, transportation, nutrition, and diet. Parents can choose to rent these services, which provides them the ability to pick up their children whenever they need them, and get them home after school. There are many different campuses and programs that offer this service, and if you are able to put a daycare in a different area, you may find it much more profitable.Another great option for expanding your business with college services is to offer your child some sort of scholarship for college. If you are able to enroll your child in a college that is located near you, there are many scholarships that may be available to you as well. There are also numerous college services that offer scholarships.There are even popular scholarship programs that can give you your child financial aid for their college fees, books, and other expenses. The possibilities are endless, and if you have a child that wants to get an education, be sure to look into these opportunities as well.College services can provide countless benefits to those who are interested in expanding their business. This can include purchasing a new computer, driving to a new location, or paying for a dental assistant. There are many different options available and taking time to consider your options will only help you with your business plan and future plans.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Animal Testing Should Not Be Banned - 1578 Words

According to the New England Anti-Vivisection Society on their research from Harm and Suffering, â€Å"[e]very year in the U.S., over 25 million animals are used in biomedical experimentation, product and cosmetic testing, and science education.† Animal testing has been traced back to Aristotle and Erasistratus who according to Rachel Hajar from Animal Testing and Medicine, â€Å"[were] [e]arly Greek physician-scientists† that have conducted animal experiments. Another physician who has performed animal experimentations, Galen, â€Å"conducted animal experiments to advance the understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology† (Hajar). Animal testing has furthered expanded to over 115 million animals that have been tested globally and 25 new medicines being approved each year by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). With the affirmations about animal testing that has an outcome of being positive, there are many factors why animal testing ha s failed to protect humans from drugs. Although animal testing is used to prevent the public from drug defects, it is revealed to be unnecessary to conduct animal experimentations because of the maltreatment that is forced upon the animals and the drugs that have been approved by numerous animal testing fail to treat humans. There is no such limit to what happens to animals while being tested in the laboratory. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) is the only federal law that grants a small amount of protection for animals inShow MoreRelatedShould Animal Testing Be Banned?844 Words   |  3 PagesShould animal testing be banned? Nowadays, a lot of animals has been tested on a range of experiments over the world. You could be supporting animal teasing cruelty without knowing it. Have you ever check if there’s animal testing on the cosmetics before you buy it? Today, a lot of cosmetics has been testing on helpless animals and there are about 1.4 million animals die each year from animal testing ( CatalanoJ, 1994). Most of the experiments that are completed in the laboratories are very cruelRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned880 Words   |  4 Pagesdepending on animals testing. Therefore, if people talk about laboratories, they should remember animal experiments. Those animals have the right to live, according to people who dislike the idea of doing testing on animals; the other opinion, supports the idea of animal testing as the important part of the source of what has reached medicine of the results and solutions for diseases prevalent in every time and place. Each year huge numbers of animals a re sacrificed for the science all these animals, whetherRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned776 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal Testing Should be Banned  ¨Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisioned and abused in US labs every year ¨ ( ¨11 Facts About Animal Testing ¨). Imagine if that was someones animal getting tortured in labs just to test things such as beauty products and perfume. Animal testing was first suggested when,  ¨Charles Darwin evolutionary theory in the mid 1850s also served to suggest that animals could serve as effective models to facilitate biological understanding in humans ¨ (Murnaghan)Read MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned940 Words   |  4 Pages1). Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in US labs every year. 2). 92% of experimental drugs that are safe and effective in animals fail in human clinical trials. (DoSomething â€Å"11 Facts About Animal Testing†). There are currently no laws combating the testing of cosmetics on animals, but the practice is harmful and must be ended. As evidenced by the statistics above, millions of animals are tortured and murdered in the United States every year for virtually no reasonRead MoreShould Animal Testing Be Banned?1665 Words   |  7 PagesTesting Cosmetics on Animals Companies around the world use animals to test cosmetics. Animals, such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, and mice, are used to test the effects of chemicals on the eyes and skin. While animal testing is not mandatory, many companies use it. About Cosmetics Animal Testing by the Humane Society International talks about the different options companies have that do not require the cruel use and eventual death of animals. The article also talks about the overallRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1572 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal Testing Every year, over two hundred million innocent animals are injured or killed in scientific experiments across the world. Of those animals, between seventeen and twenty million are used in the United States alone. It is said that an animal dies in a laboratory every three seconds (Animal Testing 101). Those in favor of animal experimentation say they are taking animals’ lives to save humans. It is not necessary to subject animals to torturous conditions or painful experiments in theRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1581 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal testing is being used by different organizations all over the world to prevent specific diseases, especially cancer. Americans see animal testing having a harmful effect but it is one of the main reasons why society has most cures for some illnesses. This topic is important because people need to know what goes on during animal testing and why it is very beneficial. Animal testing needs to be used to find all cures. Some ani mals such as chimps/ monkeys have 90% of the same DNA humans haveRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1721 Words   |  7 Pages † Today, more animals are being used in experiments than ever before: around 100 million in the United States alone† (3). Animal testing is now an international issue, and it is becoming a major story. Currently, animals are often used in medical testing, make-up testing, and other consumer product testing. Animals used in such product testing are often abused and suffer from serious side-effects. Animal testing can be painful for the animals, testing results are usually not even useable forRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned1364 Words   |  6 Pagesbenefit. Using animals for these experimentations usually does not come to mind. Animals are often abused, suffer, and even die during laboratory testing for the benefits of people to make sure medications, household products, newest procedures, and cosmetics are safe and effective for human use. Humans have benefited from animal testing for years while these animals suffer consequences with no positive outcomes for themselves. Even if a product or procedure is deemed successful, these animals are frequentlyRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned Essay1632 Words   |  7 Pages Animal Testing Should Be Banned Throughout the decades, animals have been used in medical research to test the safety of cosmetics including makeup, hair products, soaps, perfume, and countless of other products. Animals have also been used to test antibiotics and other medicines to eliminate any potential risks that they could cause to humans. The number of animals worldwide that are used in laboratory experiments yearly exceeds 115 million animals. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Legalization of Prostitution - 902 Words

Prostitution, considered one of the oldest professions in the world, was legal until 1915 when most states passed laws making it illegal. One of the main reasons for the prohibition of prostitution was to keep soldiers out of the brothels so they would stay focused on the war. After WWII, lawmakers left the prohibition laws in place instead of repealing them. Prostitution should be legal, regulated, and taxed. This would increase the quality of police protection, reduce waste in the judicial system, decrease the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and increase federal tax revenue. By legalizing and regulating the act of prostitution, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) will decrease. Opponents of legalization†¦show more content†¦The legalization of prostitution will increase tax revenue by collecting taxes from the legal brothels. The State of Nevada does not collect taxes from the brothels but the separate counties do. The counties collec t licensing fees, property taxes, and liquor licensing fees. â€Å"Some counties get as much as 25 percent of their business fees from brothels. Lyon County, home to the famous Moonlite Bunnyranch, will collect $316,000 in brothel business fees and $25,000 in permit fees next year† (Associated Press). In all ten counties combined, â€Å"over twelve million dollars was collected from legal prostitution for the 2014 fiscal year† (Associated Press). The federal government also collects income tax from the prostitutes and from the brothels. Estimates show there to be over 500,000 prostitutes working illegally in the United States. The government could tax those 500,000 men and women if they were working legally in brothels. The average prostitute working legally in Nevada earns approximately $160,000 to $180,000 a year. The taxes for that amount of income are on average $35,000. The federal government could generate an additional $17.5 million a year in just incom e tax revenue by legalizing prostitution. The U.S. government is in a financial crisis, the revenue generated by legalizing prostitution could help alleviate some of that burden. Each state spends over ten million dollars every year enforcingShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Prostitution And Prostitution858 Words   |  4 Pagesthe decriminalization of prostitution helps, there will still be a heavy demand for it. One of the biggest industries in the world has it entrapped, which is the sex based human trafficking. According to the International Labor Organization, human trafficking generates around $150 Billion per year. And Two-thirds of this money ($99billion) comes from commercial sex exploitation. But at the same time there is in fact evidence out there, that displays legalizing prostitution reduces sex traffickingRead MoreThe Legalization Of Prostitution And Prostitution2217 Words   |  9 PagesI find the legalization of prostitution important because it seems as if gen der stereotypes, that are mostly taught to us through different social roles, play a role in the reason that prostitution is not legal- seeing that most prostitutes are women. I agree that prostitution should become legalized for a multitude of reasons, such as, helping bring down the percentage of sexual harassment, being able to be protected by the police, and being able to make a legitimate living- by doing what they wouldRead MoreThe Legalization Of The Prostitution1040 Words   |  5 Pages Prostitution has long been called the world’s most ancient profession. Many records proof that people used sex selling as a sort of payoff. Whenever the settlers were running around killing the natives, they were also enjoying the pleasures of regional prostitutes. Appolodprus, a Greek philosopher and historian declared For we have courtesans for pleasure, and concubines for the daily service of our bodies, and wives for the production of legitimate offspring and to have a reliable guardianRead MoreLegalization Of Prostitution And Prostitution1612 Words   |  7 PagesLegalization of Prostitution Prostitution law varies widely from country to country, and between jurisdictions within a country. Prostitution or sex work is legal in some parts of the world and regarded as a profession, while in other parts it is a crime punishable by death. In many jurisdictions prostitution is illegal. In other places prostitution itself is legal, but surrounding activities are illegal. In other jurisdictions prostitution is legal and regulated. In most jurisdictions whichRead MoreDiscussing The Legalization Of Prostitution1604 Words   |  7 PagesSOC 3561 04/19/2015 Discussing the Legalization of Prostitution To better discuss the legalization of prostitution there’s a need to know its definition. Legalization of prostitution is where prostitution becomes controlled by the government and becomes legal under specific conditions. Legalization may include prostitution-specific controls chosen by the state, which could include licensing, registration, and mandatory regular health checks ups. Prostitution has been legalized in Netherlands, GermanyRead MoreLegalization And Decriminalization Of Prostitution1141 Words   |  5 PagesFinal Paper: Legalization and Decriminalization of Prostitution The legalization and decriminalization of prostitution is a highly debated topic within the area of women’s studies. Prostitution, the sale of sexual services, has been in existence for as long as society has. However, beginning in the 19th century, most states in America began to illegalize prostitution because of moral objections. Today, despite the fact that in 1959 the United Nations concluded that prostitution should not be a criminalRead MoreEssay on Legalization of Prostitution1607 Words   |  7 PagesThough illegal in the United States, prostitution is still a strongly prevalent crime happening all across the nation. Currently, a person participating in the crime of prostitution will be charged with a misdemeanor (Liberator 2). People every single day are being charged with a misdemeanor for this specific crime. Statistically, it may even seem like this crime is being caught more often than other, more extreme crimes. Prostitution is a strongly enforced crime that c osts America large sums ofRead MoreThe Issue Of Legalization Of Prostitution1103 Words   |  5 Pagesdefines prostitution as â€Å"the act of having sex in exchange for money.† In recent years, there has been speculation of the laws in place that criminalize prostitution. While there are advocates that want prostitution to be decriminalized, there are also advocates for the legalization. Decriminalization would simply repeal the laws making prostitution illegal, whereas full legalization would allow the government to put regulations and safety requirements in place. The legalization of prostitution wouldRead MoreThe Legalization Of Prostitution Is A Choice1850 Words   |  8 Pagesgrowing being, was prostitution. Despite her struggles, it is not about her lack of opportunity that is undoubtedly unfair. However, it is the recent illegalization of prostitution that impairs an individual’s constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Of great im portance to conservative politicians, as well as many others, is the restriction of the freedoms to take part in simple, natural acts which is simply unfair. The legalization of prostitution sheds light on positivityRead MoreLegalization of Prostitution in India457 Words   |  2 PagesProstitution is recognized to be the oldest profession that has existed in the society since ages. Basically prostitutes are in this calling because of neediness. There are ladies who are voluntarily into this calling, whereas, there are others who are trafficked and constrained into prostitution. The courts remarks came while dealing with a public interest litigation filed by an NGO about child trafficking. The court said child trafficking and prostitution were flourishing because of poverty.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Competitive Policy for Netflix Inc-

Question: Discuss about theCompetitive Policy for Netflix Inc. Answer: Netflix, Inc. It is an American entertainment corporation established in 1997 and operates in the entertainment industry. They specialised in providing streaming media service and DVD by mail service. The organisations operate in more than 180 companies and generated revenue of US$8.83 billion in 2016 financial year. In their beginning, the company focused on providing DVD on mail facility, but their operations expanded with the introduction of streaming media facility, which gained Netflix an international spot. The reason for selecting Netflix is that company has a monopolistic advantage over its competitors such as HBO Now, Apple iTunes, hula or Amazon Prime Video. At their peak time, the companys internet traffic data amount to 37 percent in North America, which is higher than every other competitor combined, and they had more than 89 million active subscribers. Netflixs Strategy Netflix has updated their strategy to expand their stream media service over different countries. The company provides original as well as other sources content, to their subscribers. As of March 2016, the firm offers more than 1197 TV shows and 4335 movies to their users. The company is focusing on enhancing their services worldwide; they already have their operations in more than 180 countries. With the popularity of the home internet, Netflix has become an essential part of peoples life. Many video stores or DVD retail stores have closed due to the popularity of Netflix. In North America, the giant video rental service Blockbuster has been closed due to the popularity of Netflix (Adhikari 2012). As per Jenner (2016), in order to increase the number of users, Netflix focuses on improving their services before their competitors, like high-quality content (4K resolution), simple UI design, licensing more content and producing more original services. The company focus their resources on analysing the watching habits of their users and recommend content based on their preferences. They also analyse illegally downloaded TV shows and movies from torrents to learn about customers behavior in most European countries. This assists Netflix in enhancing their users base which is more than 89 million subscribers. Business Model Following are the key principles of Netflix business model which provide them a competitive advantage over its competitors: The company provide their services at an affordable price and also offer a large number of original and secondary content which gives them a competitive The original server produced by Netflix such as House of Cards and Stranger things are award winning and popular series, which attract a large number of their subscribers since their competitors cannot provide such shows. According to Abraham (2013), the video in demand facility provided by Netflix is more popular than television because users can watch anything they want at any time, unlike television shows. Netflix analyses their users watching habits are provided recommendations based on such preferences, which increase the watch time of users (Gomez-Uribe and Hunt 2016). CAGE Framework To enhance international operations, a company is required to analyse various cultural, administrative, geographic and economic factors of countries. As per Allen, Feils and Disbrow (2014), since Netflix provide internet streaming services, it is easier for them to provide facilities in different countries. Netflix has launched their services in India, Russia, Singapore and many others. They also manufacture domestic original content to attract customers in a particular country. Microsoft Corporation It is an American international technology corporation founded in 1975. It operates in software, hardware and customers electronics industry. The company serves their customers worldwide and had more than 114,000 employees. It had revenue of US$85.32 billion in 2016 financial year. The reason for choosing Microsoft is that more than 90 percent of worlds computer runs on windows, which is an operating system provided by Microsoft. Microsofts decision of acquiring LinkedIn for $26.2 billion dollars has been a significant step towards companys future growth by using LinkedIns data. Microsofts Strategy Microsoft provides various software, hardware, cloud based and electronics products to their customers. Apple and Google give a huge competition to Microsoft with their smartphone and other software services. The company has updated their strategies in the leadership of Satya Nadella, to increase their position in consumer electronics market. The intelligent cloud services of Microsoft provided them a competitive advantage over other companies since more than 70 percent of Fortune 500 organisations use Microsofts cloud based services (Wonglimpiyarat 2012). The company also give emphasis to merger and acquisition with popular acquisitions such as Nokia, Mojang Synergies, Skype, LinkedIn and many others. They merger their cloud services with acquisition companys services to improve their customer's experience. They are also focusing on virtual reality and virtual personal assistant technology with products such as Cortana and HoloLens (Pellegrin-Boucher, Le Roy and Gurau 2013). Business Model Even with high competition from Apple and Google, Microsoft has secured its place in the market. The company has introduced new policies in their business model to provide better competition. Following are the main features of Microsofts business model: Using the cloud based networks to provide services to companies and customers, such as Microsoft One Drive, Azure, and Outlook (DaSilva and Trkman 2014). Entering into new markets with consumer products such as Cortana, HoloLens and Surface Pro, which allow the company to gain competitive advantage. Microsoft is providing constant updates to windows and other softwares to add new features and improving the quality of software (Amit and Zott 2012). Collection of large consumer data resources from acquisitions such as Skype and LinkedIn, which allow them to formulate their future strategies according to consumers requirements. CAGE Framework For improving their worldwide services and resources, Microsoft evaluates different economic, cultural, administrative and geographic aspects of countries which assist them in formulating international policies. They acquire domestic companies to increase their operations, and they also provide their services to local companies. This strategy allows them to easily operate in various international markets (Chor and Manova 2012). References Abraham, S., 2013. Will business model innovation replace strategic analysis?.Strategy Leadership,41(2), pp.31-38. Adhikari, V.K., Guo, Y., Hao, F., Varvello, M., Hilt, V., Steiner, M. and Zhang, Z.L., 2012, March. Unreeling netflix: Understanding and improving multi-cdn movie delivery. InINFOCOM, 2012 Proceedings IEEE(pp. 1620-1628). IEEE. Allen, G., Feils, D. and Disbrow, H., 2014. The rise and fall of Netflix: what happened and where will it go from here?.Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies,20(1), p.135. Amit, R. and Zott, C., 2012. Creating value through business model innovation.MIT Sloan Management Review,53(3), p.41. Chor, D. and Manova, K., 2012. Off the cliff and back? 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